Liturgical Ministries
If you are interested in assisting in one of these ministries , we invite you to call the parish office (209) 223-2970.
Eucharistic Ministers
​"In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner. Bishops, priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion in virtue of their office as ordinary ministers of the Body and Blood of the Lord...If such ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are not present, "the priest may call upon extraordinary ministers to assist him, i.e., duly instituted acolytes or even other faithful who have been deputed for this purpose (GIRM 162)."
​The lector is instituted to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel. He may also announce the intentions for the Universal Prayer and, in the absence of a psalmist, recite the Psalm between the readings.
...Lay people may be deputed to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, people who are truly suited to carrying out this function and carefully prepared, so that by their hearing the readings from the sacred texts the faithful may conceive in their hearts a sweet and living affection for Sacred Scripture. (GIRM, no. 101)
Hospitality Ministers and Ushers
Hospitality Ministers and Ushers assist in the smooth and orderly flow of the Liturgy.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest in the celebration of the Eucharist. Youth who are at least in the 4th grade and have received their First Communion are invited to participate in this ministry.