Register with Us
If you have not registered with us, we want you to know that being a registered parishioner offers numerous benefits:
Choose to receive pre-printed contribution envelopes for the offertory.
You will be sent detailed information of your contributions.
Detailed statements are available to any registered parishioner who requests one at any time. You can easily see what you have contributed to the various collections.
Registration is necessary for enrollment in RCIA and Catholic Faith Formation and to be baptized, receive First Communion and Confirmation.
Registration facilitates your receiving Holy Communion if you are home- or hospital-bound.
If you are asked to be a Godparent to someone in another parish, your sacramental information on file with St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Parish can be easily provided.
You will receive Easter and Christmas schedules by mail for ease in making holiday plans.
You will enjoy a real sense of belonging -- a chance to become a member of a Catholic Church "Family."
There are TWO WAYS you can register as a parishioner of St. Katharine Drexel Parish. All information is kept confidential. Preprinted offertory envelopes may take two to three months after registration for you to receive (alternatively, you can sign up for online giving).
Registration forms are in the vestibule of each church, or you can download it by clicking here. Complete it by hand and submit it to our parish office or drop it in the offertory basket/box.